New figures released for Banff and Buchan towns in Census completion drive

New figures for the percentage of households in Banff and Buchan towns that have completed Scotland’s Census have been released by National Records of Scotland today.

Local fieldwork data shows that 88% of households in the Fraserburgh fieldwork area have completed the census; 86% in the Banff, Macduff, Portsoy and Turriff fieldwork areas; and 81% in the Peterhead fieldwork area.

Householders across Scotland have a legal responsibility to fill in the census by the end of May and failure to do so could result in prosecution and a fine of up to £1000.

Help and support is available to those who have yet to complete the census at or via the free helpline 0800 030 8308. Paper forms are also still available on request for those who need them.

National Records of Scotland (NRS) is appealing to people throughout Banff and Buchan to make sure their voices are heard and their needs captured. Last week NRS said 80% of households across Scotland had completed the census.

Thank you to the 2.1 million households across the country who have already filled in their census. By doing so they have helped to shape important services in their community.

“For those who have yet to complete the census, I would urge you to act now. The census is an important way of understanding how the population and its needs are changing over time. We’re counting on people across Scotland to fill in their census so we have a full understanding of who lives in Scotland and what they need.

Paul Lowe, NRS Chief Executive

The 2022 census will benefit Scotland for many years; it asks questions on a range of topics, including the types of accommodation people stay in, household relationships, age, sex, health and employment status. New questions for the 2022 census include use of British Sign Language (BSL), passports held, previous armed forces history and new voluntary questions on sexual orientation and trans status.

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